Sunday 25 January 2015

Val's K2 Concert

Val's Graduation Concert!

Finally, the concert is no longer held in the cramp and hot school compound. For once, they have listened to parents' feedback and held the concert at RP auditorium. Of course, the better venue comes with a price but I guess it is worth the price. The school compound was way to small to squeeze in more than 100 parents. 

Anyway, it was a combined concert with a few more other centres. Instead of having each individual centre performing their own item, they made it into a musical. But then again, each centre also just play their own part, not exactly a joint effort.

I personally prefer the old format whereby each group just perform a dance item. The musical is so boring with all the talking and all. I fell asleep most of the times. zzz

The opening dance.

She is so cute in her graduation gown and mortar board!!!

I love it when she enjoys her act so much.

The troublesome Isabelle was jealous over Val's concert and costume so she refused to take a picture with us.

Here's Hong attempting to diao this guy who attempted to walk in front of our camera.

Make-up too thick and colourful.

On 2nd thought, why do kids need make-up for stage performance as well? They have such beautiful natural skin and I am very sure the audience are not there to see if the kids are pretty anot but to see their own kids' achievement and milestones. We parents will feel SUPERB proud when they managed to pull off the dance item.

The contrast is so huge with or without the glasses. Anyway, I am glad that the glasses helped to mask her beauty.

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